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How To Create A Blog On Blogger - Step By Step Guide

If you are planning to start a blog in 2020 or 2021 then you have a great plan, you can continue with it to share your thoughts and knowledge with other and if you have proper knowledge in this field then you can earn a good amount.

In a months millions of articles published on different topics on google. And lakhs of websites created in a month. Now a days, people are more interested to share thier thoughts with others and they also opportunity to earn from their interest.

How to start a blog

How to start a blog?

Starting a blog doesn’t require a big investment, you can simply start with a low investment or even free if you want to test and learn blogging.

You can simply start after buying a domain name and hosting. 

1. Domain name
Domain name is an unique name for your website . Domain name is an identification for your website that also describes your authority within the internet. You can buy any of the domains available.

Some famous domains -
  • . Com
  • . Net
  • . Org
  • . Gov
  • .in
How to choose domain name
Before choosing domain name for your websites you must consider some points -
  • Name should be related to your  websites
  • Short name
  • Choose popular domain extension like .com, .net
2. Hosting
Hosting is an online place where you can store your website. You can buy hosting from various hosting provider websites. 

When you are planning to start free you can go for free hosting but keep in mind that there are some limitations. But there are some free websites that provide completely free blogging with hosting. Some of them are - 
  • Blogger
  • WordPress 
  • Wix

Now we are going to discuss on of the free blogging site Blogger. Com.

What is Google Blogger?

Google blogger is a free blogging platform where you can create your blog and create article. Blogger provide best interface and easy to use. Blogger also provides free templates that you can use to create your website. Blogger is completely free and also provide facility to use custom domains. Blogger also provide free domain with blogspot.com extension. 

Advantages of starting blog on Blogger.com 
  • Blogger.com provides simple and easy interface
  • Free to use
  • Create as many blog you want
  • Allow to add custom domains instead of blogspot.com
  • Free SSL certificate provided with the blog
  • Blogger provides static and dynamic templates that you can use.
  • You can create new template or edit existing template

How to start blog on Blogger

Starting a blog on blogger.com is very easy. You can start a blog by following these steps - 

1. Create a Google account

If you have any google or gmail account then you can skip this step else you need to create on gmail or google account.

You can create google account by simply filling basic details like name, date of birth, phone number. 

2. Sign-in in Blogger.com 

You need to sign-in in Blogger.com with your Google or Gmail account to access dashboard.

3. Create your blog

In blogger dashboard on left side you get an option to create blog. After clicking you need some details related to your new blog. Firstly you have to choose domain and templates to create. After filling all details you should create.

After creating you blog you need to fill
  • Title
  • Descriptions
  • Meta tag

a. Title - Title is your website name that you going to use. 

b. Description - You have to fill it very carefully because it helps you in ranking. In description, describe your website using some text related to your website topic. 

c. Meta Tag - Meta tag are some tags or keyword that help ranking you in searches. These tag defines your websites purpose or topics. 

You get all setting menu in Setting option on left side.

4. Launch your website

After all these basic but important setup you are ready to go and post content on your blog. 

5. Post content 

You get plus buttom on right bottom. Click to create and you get a dashboard with options to create a unique and beautiful article. And when you're click on publish to publish your article on your blog.